Privacy Policy for and GameLinkSafe Application

  1. User Tracking and the GameLinkSafe application do not track users in any way. The only data collected are those explicitly provided through forms, such as contact forms or pre-registration forms. We do not use any analytics services. We also use a privacy respectful analytical service that only stores browser, country and operating system so they cannot track the user.

  2. Account Registration and Use

    In the event that accounts are introduced for registration and login purposes, any data provided will not be misused or used for commercial purposes.

  3. Payments

    Payments made through the application or website are processed using Stripe. Therefore, we are not aware of any details related to your bank.

  4. Secure Connections

    When you connect with other users through the application, we use a technology called WebRTC over secure connections, ensuring that your data is never at risk. Third-party WebRTC server providers may be able to identify your IP address and any data that can be inferred from it if TURN servers are used. In the case of using STUN, connections will be P2P without intermediaries between the machines.

  5. Third-Party Services

    Please note that any third-party services involved in the WebRTC process, particularly TURN servers, may have access to your IP address and other metadata. However, we strive to ensure that these connections are as secure as possible.

Contact Information For any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected]
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